Bun Pharma

“bun THERMO X PHARMA” is a “two-channel” temperature recorder and alarm system with one internal and one external sensor. It is powered by 2 replaceable AA batteries for up to 6 years and connects directly to Wi-Fi. The external sensor of “bun THERMO X PHARMA” comes with a NIST traceable calibration test certificate and is tagged with a unique identification number that enables online lookup of the certificate. The certificate is valid for 24 months in storage and 12 months in use. The detachable external sensor can be replaced with a new sensor and a fresh certificate in 10 seconds by the user. More than an accurate meter and a reliable logger, “bun THERMO X PHARMA” is also a cloud-based alarm system. All setting parameters like measurement intervals, upload intervals, minimum, and maximum allowed temperature thresholds can be set through a web-based application on any platform. It sends out Phone calls, text messages, and email alarms to an unlimited number of recipients as soon as temperature exceeds or falls below preset limits. It also provides access to the records history, graphs, and periodical reports. Its hardware and software installation is very easy and does not require any specific tools or applications.


Key Features:
Detachable low-cost sensors come with a unique ID and NIST traceable certificate (valid for 24 months on the shelf and 12 months in use)
Sensors calibration data can be looked up online.
No annual calibration required. To renew the certificate, the sensor can be replaced with a fresh sensor with a new calibration certificate in 10 seconds. No tool or expertise is required to replace the sensor.
The bottle contains 10 ml of Nontoxic ethyl alcohol (-25 to +75 °C | -13 to +167 °F)
2-Channels of recording (Ambient and Fridge)
Food & Pharmaceutical Storage Monitoring

Download Datasheet: BUN Pharma

Additional information

Weight 187 g
Dimensions 81 × 81 × 93 mm