Monitoring Environmental Parameters
in Agriculture and indoor Cultivation,

In agriculture and indoor cultivation, monitoring environmental parameters is paramount. Precise control of factors such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and soil moisture ensures optimal conditions for plant growth, maximizing yield and quality. Real-time data acquisition provided by LoggerFlex not only enhances productivity but also facilitates proactive decision-making, ultimately contributing to sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.


Relative Humidity


Dew piont

Specific Humidity


Soil Moisture Content

Carbon Dioxide (CO²)

Light Intensity

Barometric Air Pressure

Grow it Smarter


Soil Temperature & Moisture Content Data Recorder & Alarm

Connectivity: Wi-Fi
Type: Gravometric
Calibration Soil: Black Earth

If you can’t measure it,
you can’t improve it.

Soil Mosture & Ambient Temp

Gravimetric Soil Mosture

Soil Moisture and Temperature

Gravimetric Soil Mosture

Air Quality Monitoring

CO² | Temperature | RH

CO², Ambient Temperature & RH Recording
Carbon dioxide Long Exposure alarm rules
Alarm for CO² and Temperature

Optimizing Plant Growth:
Understanding Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD)

Optimizing Plant Growth: Understanding Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD)

VPD, or Vapour Pressure Deficit, is a measure of the pressure difference between the water vapor in the air and the air’s saturation point, commonly known as the dew point. It is calculated as Vapor Pressure (saturation) minus Vapor Pressure (air). This pressure variance is instrumental in driving transpiration from the stomata of plants.


Unlike Relative Humidity (RH), which indicates the percentage of air’s water content saturation at a specific temperature, VPD provides a more nuanced understanding of the forces behind plant evaporation. While RH is valuable for humidity management, VPD stands out by directly correlating with plant transpiration rates, making it a proactive tool for empowering plant growth, rather than a mere climate parameter.


It’s noteworthy that the optimal VPD range for most plants falls between 0.4 kPa and 1.6 kPa. However, this range varies for different plants and their developmental stages. As a general guideline, during later stages of development, maintaining VPD on the higher side of the optimal range is recommended for optimal plant health and productivity. LoggerFlex Smart Devices, with their capability to measure temperature and humidity, can effectively monitor VPD, providing real-time insights and enabling growers to optimize indoor climate conditions for enhanced plant performance. The system’s cloud-based data acquisition and reporting features further contribute to informed decision-making in indoor agriculture.

WiFi Temperature & RH

Recorder – Alarm

With Min/Max + VPD Report

WiFi Water Meter


Automatic billing and sub billing for utility
Hourly profile of consumption
BLOCK WiFi Pulse Concentrator

Light Intensity Monitoring

Light Intensity and Temperature

Alarm for long exposure
Automatic day and night time calculations
Cumulative UV and Light exposure report


Temperature & RH

Specific Humidity, Dew Point, EMC
VPD report and out of range time calculator
Temperature and RH Alarm